Michel Fortin’s PEAR Channel

This site contains a channel for use by the PEAR installer bundled with most installation of PHP.

To use packages from this channel, you must first make sure PEAR knows about it. You can do this with the following command (which you may need to run as root):

pear channel-discover pear.michelf.com

PEAR now knows about this channel and can be used to install or update packages available here. To install a package, you can now use this:

pear install michelf/package

where package is the name of the package to install from this channel. The package will be installed in PEAR’s root directory and be accessible from the default PHP include path.

To learn more about PEAR, type pear help at the command prompt, or take a look at the PEAR Manual online.

Available Packages

Markdown A packaged version of PHP Markdown.
MarkdownExtra A packaged version of PHP Markdown Extra.
Note: This package conflicts with the Markdown package above, so you can’t install both at the same time (PEAR will complain if you try). But PHP Markdown Extra includes PHP Markdown's parser so if you need to use both you can use this package and still instanciate the plain Markdown parser when necessary.
SmartyPants A packaged version of PHP SmartyPants.
SmartyPantsTypo A packaged version of PHP SmartyPants Typographer.
Note: This package conflicts with the SmartyPants package above, so you can’t install both at the same time (PEAR will complain if you try). But PHP SmartyPants Typographer includes PHP SmartyPants' parser so if you need to use both you can use this package and still instanciate the plain SmartyPants parser when necessary.